Hi All - I have a problem with rattling pipes when water is turned on in my flat.
- I'm top floor of a 3 storey development (c10 years old)
- Issue has only been prevalent in the last 8-10 weeks but has gotten gradually worse.
- The pipes rattle when water is turned on but appears to be concentrated in my main bathroom.
- Water is forced through my hot tap (mixer variety) in the main bathroom also (even in a closed position)
- By turning the hot tap on in the main bathroom, relieves the noise and vibration
- Noise is generated by washing machine being in use, flushing of toilet or by turning the taps on in the en suite and kitchen.
- The noise always centres in the main bathroom, regardless of where the originating water flow is generated.
- I've had the inner tap component replaced & new piping fitted to toilet, but noise still persists.