POTTERTON 80e problem

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I have a Potterton 80E. A couple of days ago it cut out with a re-assuring (not) pop pop noise then cut-out.

At first when I re-started - switching electricity off and on at wall - the fan came on straight away. The boiler would fire up and last for a little while before cutting out.

Now when I start it up the fan doesn't come on at all. Occasionally the boiler fires up but cuts out after about ten mins...

I have had my other half turn it on while I have my hand of the pump - next to the emersion heater - and it turns on/ vibrates when the boiler is turned on..

Any ideas as to the problem - or ways I can eliminate / narrow down he problem?

Many thanks

Was going to say pump but first check water is in the header tank/small tank in roof,ball valve may have got stuck and not refilling tank allowing system to partly empty over period of time
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