Can anyone give any advice on pricing jobs especially when only starting out. I find it really hard don't want to rip the customer off but neither myself. Thanks
i use a spreadsheet in xl to list out materials + % then estimate number of days/hours to do the job, add a bit on and that's my price.
Gets easier with experience and also if you log materials and time actually used to compare back to your estimate.
However, bear in mind that it’s not fair to charge a customer 2 days money just because you are not experienced in that work and it should have been a half day job.
(That’s my opinion)
i use a spreadsheet in xl to list out materials + % then estimate number of days/hours to do the job, add a bit on and that's my price.
Gets easier with experience and also if you log materials and time actually used to compare back to your estimate.
I do same.
Still out on bigger jobs but I send it as an estimate so not really tied that tightly. Trouble with Plumbing as you well know, is that nothing goes smooth. If it does, it makes you suspicious!!