Hi guys can you help me with a problem
The boiler used to just have 2 pipes coming the top.
I wish to replace this with a combo boiler.
Here is the diagram I made to give you an idea, sorry its a bit of a rough one just I had to stop working to work it out.
I can sort the colds, hots ect... problem I have is this... how do I convert these to a sealed system.
I cant get access to any other pipes such as manifolds as the whole house is that horrible flooring.
Now I have added some pictures to with the cyldner removed to give you an idea.
The left hand pipes I can sort no problem its just a hot water to cap and remove the feeds from the tanks apart from one where i dont know where it goes, the house is under 7years old.
Just need to see how to convert and what 2 pipes to send to the combi for flow and return, I think I can use the old pipe coming from the pump and connect that to the old flow from the cylnder as its super clean.
just where is the best place for the return and convert.
so if I can just use the old pipes that feed the old boiler and have them as the flow and return it will save ripping up flooring as the pipes are very clean
The boiler used to just have 2 pipes coming the top.
I wish to replace this with a combo boiler.
Here is the diagram I made to give you an idea, sorry its a bit of a rough one just I had to stop working to work it out.
I can sort the colds, hots ect... problem I have is this... how do I convert these to a sealed system.
I cant get access to any other pipes such as manifolds as the whole house is that horrible flooring.
Now I have added some pictures to with the cyldner removed to give you an idea.
The left hand pipes I can sort no problem its just a hot water to cap and remove the feeds from the tanks apart from one where i dont know where it goes, the house is under 7years old.
Just need to see how to convert and what 2 pipes to send to the combi for flow and return, I think I can use the old pipe coming from the pump and connect that to the old flow from the cylnder as its super clean.
just where is the best place for the return and convert.
so if I can just use the old pipes that feed the old boiler and have them as the flow and return it will save ripping up flooring as the pipes are very clean