The problem seems be that the Plumbing industry training is no longer done by the companies active in the field, but training agencies.
That basically means, a training agency has got to keep turning out Plumbers to keep going. But there simply may not be the work for Plumbers after training.
The old way, companies trained the number of people they required for the work that was about.
Its unfair, I think, to train people for work that may not be there.
The government should step in and have an industry wide reasonably priced training levy.
Then people instead of paying thousands for training they may not even get to use, could look elsewhere for work without loosing thousands of pounds in training fees.
The training providers would then get a steady income and could react to the state of the industry.
At the moment it seems its chaotic with too many Plumbers going after to Little work and they are still training more.
One puzzling thing though?
If Polish Plumbers are coming over and taking the work. What regs do they work too and are they registered under GaSafe?