Rothenberger SuperFire 2 - How to store safely

Hi all,

I'm a novice so go easy ;-)

I have a Rothenberger SuperFire 2 torch and would like some advice as to how to safely remove the tip from the gas canister as it is advised to store them separately when not in use? The advice slip says when storing, turn the control knob to the ON position and press it multiple times
to expunge any gas - This seems just to prime gas ready for auto-ignition and if held down too long will light the torch. Please can someone describe how I can purge the gas from the tip so that when I unscrew it from the gas canister there is not a big pop as the gas escapes as this is quite scary and un-nerving, and probably dangerous! This happened to me first time I used it. I've just done another job but don't want to disconnect the tip from the MAPP canister until I know the procedure now.

Many thanks,
The amount of gas in the torch is so tiny ive never heard of this purging before and wouldn't worry about it. I sense a$$ covering by rothy. I always turn adjustment to zero and the black button to off before putting it away. Taking the bottle off every day will knacker the threads early.
I always disconnect mine, and have never had a problem with loss of gas. I never purge the gas and I like the popping noise. I always put a small amount of spit on the part of the nozzle that goes into the cylinder, to help it in. I knew someone that used to leave his connected and in the boot of his Mercedes-Benz, and it ignited itself and burnt out the electrics on the car.
I purged mine yesterday and disconnected the cylinder to try test it and got a small fizz of gas from the cylinder instead. At least you guys have reassured me this is normal and my torch isn’t defective or dangerous!
I remember first working on a meter and how scared I was about releasing gas from the test nipple, these days i like to make sure its well purged, its also when I'd have a smoke break!
The purging is to purge gas from the torch head AFTER it's been removed from the gas bottle. I always remove mine as it fits in my box separately.
Hi Ric,

The instruction leaflet mentions the purging process before disconnecting the head. The first time I disconnected it I got a huge pop. Second time I purged it before disconnecting from the gas bottle and it was a lot less eventful!
Hi Ric,

The instruction leaflet mentions the purging process before disconnecting the head. The first time I disconnected it I got a huge pop. Second time I purged it before disconnecting from the gas bottle and it was a lot less eventful!
He's right! So it does. I've been doing it wrong since - forever! Oops...