Service engineer work

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Hi all, new to this forum and hoping someone can give me some pointers re finding servicing/landlord certs/safety inspection work. Have been in and introduced myself to loads of local letting agents but the predictable response is that they already have their own trusted engineers. I've recently set up my own company and really need a steady stream of servicing work, in addition to the private customers I have. I seem to be very popular with the elderly community (being a female engineer!) but would appreciate any advice anyone has on sub contracted servicing, etc etc. Thanks all ;-)
Hi have you tried getting on the British gas website and putting your details down for contracting?
Hi there
Many thanks for your reply. I'll get my details on the British Gas website and see if I have any luck there!
There's a british gas P.r person on here if you do a search I'm sure you'll find them. Drop them a private message. Good luck!
Hello Belle and welcome.

You should be able to play on our insecurities. I knew a female plumber in london years ago who got plenty of work because men felt they could trust her with their wives.
Hello Belle and welcome.

You should be able to play on our insecurities. I knew a female plumber in london years ago who got plenty of work because men felt they could trust her with their wives.

You never heard of Diversity and Equalty then mate, I've known of several wives who ended up batting for the other team.
I deliberately avoided mentioning the fact that Sharon WAS a lesbian, and actually did have more conquests than all of us put together! I think she's in Australia now.
Hi Croppie

Ha ha! I've heard that before actually! Unfortunately, I've got the same challenges as you guys finding work!
Keep plugging at it poppet, summat will turn up. Meanwhile welcome to the forum, don't be a stranger, keep posting and we'll dust a seat off special for you in the Arms!
Keep plugging at it poppet, summat will turn up. Meanwhile welcome to the forum, don't be a stranger, keep posting and we'll dust a seat off special for you in the Arms!

Haha croppie that post cracked me up! What a modern man you are! Poppet! Lmao
Cheek! I'll have you know I'm thoroughly in touch with my feminine side! Why, only the other week I was watching a particular genre of film and discovered I am, in fact, a lesbian wrapped in a man's body.
Can be difficult to get your foot in the door with letting agents etc if they already have engineers on the books, but, keep plugging away at them and make sure they have your contact details readily available because sooner or later they will have a crisis job and their usual engineers may be on holiday or whatever then you could be in there 😀

Pester power can get you seen as being a nuisance but better that than being forgotten about 😉 Good luck 😀
Many moons ago I got my business card in two formats, standard and a stick on label, you would be surprised how many receptionists stuck the label to a drawer on their desks, the name and telephone numbers were always easy for them to find, it may help you get results from the letting agents.

I even got work from a company I never knew existed, they had bought desks at a liquidation sale and my label was stuck on one of the desks.

Best of luck for the future.
Its probably true. Make your services easy for HA admin to deal with and it usually helps put you on the books. In other words sell them an efficient and easy method of admin as well as plumbing or gas fitting. Look at the market like a customer would and try and provide what they want within reason not just what you want to give them.
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