Step by step solar install

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Sorry for the delay it will start tomorrow, held up with materials not arriving on time.
Its being compiled at the moment, its taking some doing, the step by step install not the job thats up and running 210l thermal store up to 75c today. Thats what I've set the max cylinder temp at in the controller.
Hi Eco. I have been supplying 30 mm lead slates to a few eco companies, however a guy on the phone today was saying that at 90 degrees to the pitch, little room was present between F&R and roof if the panel needed to fit close (more pleasing aesthetics ) He suggested i develop a weathering that exits the roof at say a 25 degree angle, allowing more pipe and weathering area for low slung panels? Is the afore mentioned an issue?
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Hi Justlead,

I think 90 degrees to roof pitch is right as the pipes can then bend to panel.
I wish I had used a lead slate got sent a ali one and it was awfully rubbish (ment to say the word starting with S but will get edited anyway) could not dress to tiles.

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