Supply pipe under the sink

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I'm new to this forum and just wanted some info on supply pipes. Our supply pipe comes into our kitchen and the stopcock is under the sink. We had an extension built on the back of our garage to double the size of the kitchen and I now want to move the kitchen into the extension and so the supply pipe needs to be moved roughly 3 metres along the outside wall. Can I do this myself or is it the supply company who has to do it ? Also what would I pay a plumber to do it ? I live in Warrington.

Thanks in advance


Hi, Mark
forgive me if i am wrong 😱 am still a apprentice, but
you will have a stopcock for your property in the street aswell, anything drown stream of this is ur problem. As for how much it will cost i dont know 😱 hard to say without seeing it just get a 3-4 different quote's

hope this help's
you will have to get it done as the pipe work is your property where it is under your land so get a couple of qoutes in as the work is simple is just access and making good as always
Anybody got any rough ideas on a price for this job please ? 😛
Any plumber worth thier salt won't quote without seeing ball park figure couple hundred maybe cheaper with easy access as my previous reply in cheep as chips pay peanuts get monkey's. Not being rude hope this helps.
if you dig the trench 750-1350mm deep for the pipe it will save money then its a mornings work to joint in new mdpe pipe, drill into hose and fit new stopcock or why not extend current pipework inside, less digging required!
This is an easy enough job ( easy not cheap ) from a plumbers point of view, Thats if your external stoptap is not drowned in mud and cememt like the one i visited the other day. I had to re situate a stopcock and the problem was the stopcock outside was covered by cememnt, couldnt get to it... eventually the customer asked me to keep his stopcock there but extend the pipework and fit another stopcock and drain off in another place... If all went well and you had a good space for the pipe i would charge £150 - £200
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