I feel that other plumbers are strugling a little in this ressesion as i had some competition last night come slash 4 tyres and front windscreen on my van i would not mind realy (well i do) but he is a hell lot busy than me in fact ive only had 2 small jobs in a month + and my prices have never changed and he is upset at my prices. Silly person realy as cctv picked everything up early hours this morning and thought parking van bottom of street it would not be seen. I have spoken to him not very nice by the way to offer him to pay for damage before call police but silly man again said its not me so ive had to do the worse thing ever and call police in on a fellow plumber but why do i now feel guilty as its now costing me £245 to put right. Not worth going through insurance as £150 to pay out first. Sorry for the moan guys just needed to let off little steam before i get myself in trouble