van storage pics?

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plenty of tool talk but lets have a look how you store your tools and have racked your van out for plumbing.

looking for some ideas, and how to make best use of the space.

get your pics up!!!
i know where everything is and to hand



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Is that a washing machine in the back,so you can take washing in when your quite !!
my teenage daughters bedroom is tidier! and no you cant have her number
Heres mine 😀

A van we all strive for Winston,respect

Pity about the screwdriver,top left not being part of the rest of the set,maybe that needs a bit of attention 😀
but other than that wow!!! 🙂
see we are a bosch man
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I had to take pics of my van for the insuranve company last weekend. I'll have to try and work out how I upload the pic!! Any help gratefully received!

It's ok, I've got it....I'll stick some on!
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Wrong Redsaw not ex military 🙂 Just have to know where everything is. Heres from another angle for waste fittings and syphons.


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winston now thats impressive especially someone like me with ocd if it aint straight it aint right
winston now thats impressive especially someone like me with ocd if it aint straight it aint right

I have cdo,its the same as ocd but the letters are in order aswell 😛

Wrong Redsaw not ex military 🙂 Just have to know where everything is. Heres from another angle for waste fittings and syphons.

whats that straight yellow thing ,at the back right hand side of the van,Winston,never seen anything like that before 😀

Do you usually carry all that stuff around with you Danny or is that just for the insurance pics ;-)
Nice van signage!!
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Ha! No I dont carry all of it around, but I do stuff my poor little van to the brim...I don't carry too much in the way of fittings, just the basics....a tray of 15mm/22mm copper fittings...various waste fittings, clips, some flexi hoses, but nothing like Winston....he's better stocked than Plumbase!

I do have a lot more kit in my garage, but we had a break in a few months ago, and I lost a load of stuff, and I wasn't insured for it!
Some pics of the Ecovan😀😀


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Blimey Winston and ecowarm, brings me to recall an old saying that a tidy desk is the sign of a sick mind!!!! I have to confess mine is almost in the same leauge as redsaws, but not quite, I will try and upload some picks later
I know its a bit ocd ish but I find it suits me mainly because the type of work I do I guess, 90% have the item in the van and get the job done without having to go to the merchants.

It does make me laugh though when I am with my mates and they spend half the time searching for stuff out of theres. Its takem me nearly 2 years to build my stock up and tools. Wait till I get the van sign written in the process of sorting out the design at the moment. What do you think to this guys? It wont let me says it exceeds it 😡
heres my sign writing had it off the net www.the sign builder pain to fit


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Ha, don't know what the client would say if you turned up in a camper van.

Client: Would you like a cup of tea?
Plumber: No ta, I'm making a fry up in the camper van, I'll sort myself one out.
Got a pic of your trailer last time you was in GY Puddle.......

It looks a lot better on the inside😀


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I had a good one today at my humble abode. The wife complains that the towel rails not coming on.

I'm gutted as I've pencilled the day in to square away my gas paper work. I open the airing cupboard and wince at the idea of working at home (a cobbler never mends his own shoes)

Checked the motorised valves, check the pump..all OK.

Go into the bathroom and one of the valves to the ladder rail is switched off. Look at my 2 & 1/2 year old daughter and ask her if she's been playing with which she says 'yes'

Checked it and bingo - sorted. Funny.
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