Hello everyone. Please could you give me any advice? I am a student in a building with other rooms and studios. I have a room and en-suite shower. I use have to use a friend’s shower at the moment. Since I moved in to my room the water in shower has now and then been slow to drain, or completely builds up in the tray when using shower, and the maintenance person has fixed it a number of times. It has recently become worse. If any water goes down plug hole in sink, lots of dirty water quickly backs up in the shower. I am worried to report it as the maintenance person and one of the staff have been really creepy and as a woman on my own I don’t want them back here at all. A friend suggested using one of the products you can pour down to clear blockage. She said she thinks sinks and showers usually share an out let so it could be poured down either. Water is backed up right up to the drainage hole in the shower so I wouldn’t put it down there, I imagine it will just sit on top of the blockage and go all over the shower tray. I’d really like to try to resolve it. I am anxious that if I try to clear it from either sink or shower the product mightn’t go down and then the problem will be worse. It isn't very clear, but photo is of shower drain after I first cleared away the water, it is visible when you look down there. Please could you advise me at all?