WC cistern handle for the Visually impaired | Air Sourced Heat Pumps | Plumbers Forums

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Hi all, I am wondering if anyone has come across this before.

I am a plumber for a housing association, one of my jobs is to source a 2 x WC cistern handle for a tenant who's daughter is very visually impaired. The two close couple suites have paddle cistern handles but with them being chrome she finds its hard to see them.

Does anyone know of anywhere who do cistern handles in the same colour as the grab rails (blue) as I know that colour is detectable by people who are struggling with their sight.

Thanks in advance.
1. I'm not aware of anyone making blue flush handles, let alone those for the paddle type (assuming you mean the Ideal Standard type).
2. Would wrapping it in blue electrical insulating tape serve as a temporary measure? This tap will come undone / go sticky over time, but perhaps there is someone in the household who could periodically rewrap it.
I've fitted / replaced loads of Spatula handles and never seen a couloured / Blue one.

Plastidip might be the solution.
It's a sprayed or dipped on rubberised coating, should last a good while.

Alternately for a super hard wearing coating maybe find someone who does ceramics and have the paddle / spatular handle coated
Sand the chrome off and as above plasti dip them
At the risk of seeming insensitive, the handle will never move and it’s position can be learned/felt for relative to the edge of the cistern etc.
I have a blind friend and it is things that move which cause her problems.