Weird things in a sink waste pipe.

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In a sink waste pipe, just after trap I found three objects too big to have fitted down the plug hole. They were oblong and about an inch and a half long (bit like a thumb) and were dark coloured and odourless. Sink wasn't backing up or anything, just happened to spot them. They looked solid, perfectly formed, but crumbled easily when touched to a sort of sandy, powdery substance. Washing machine and dish-washer connected to same waste. Any ideas?
Baby Aliens.

waiting till you're not looking then they disappear up your bum.......
Do they glow in the dark ? Does the customer work for the
government......................could be a case for plumbers x files.

if you have small children and bath them in the sink, they could be turds.
Dry them out. There great for playing hopscotch. Well dog turds use to be. When chalk was in short supply.
Don't think turds are odourless. Retired couple, recently done-up place. Kitchen was a garage 6 months ago. I didn't show them or ask them, just chucked 'em.
Can you bath retired folks in the sink? That's my next guess.
I'm not helping much am I?
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