1. Just fit or supply and fit?
2. New lock shield valves (LSV) as well?
3. Is it an open vented or sealed - makes a difference to the drain down / refill?
4. Are the existing radiator tails compression or union fitting?
5. I'd estimate on the following basis
5a. Drain down and refill - sealed 45 minutes, open vented 1 hour with up to 2 hours contingency (when it won't refill).
5b. Per radiator. 30 minutes for TRV and LSV if re-using tails, 60 minutes if changing.
5c. Balancing post changes, at least an hour if done on an approximate basis. Half a day if done precisely.
5d. Add the costs of the TRVs, LSVs and a dose of inhibitor - £170 to £200 for decent TRVs.
6. It is a job a competent DIYer could take on. Might need to spend on radiator tail removal / installation tool, possibly on a couple of decent spanners. £20 to £50 depending on quality.