Where can I buy some expansion joints

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Hi, I have a rather a long house and continually have problems with the long runs of central heating pipes expanding and contracting. I have heard that it's possible to buy expansion joints that you can use to reduce this effect but I have been unable to find a stockist in the UK. Has anyone used these joints before and can point me to a distributor or is there another way of reducing this expansion and contracting problem ? Appreciate any help on this matter as I am just about to do a major overhaul of my central heating system. Thanks, Dan McLean.
exspansion joints are exspensive and can be troublesome a loop of plastic pipe in the run can do the same job you dont say what matierial the existing is or sizes if its domestic stuff and below floor boards hep type pipe woyld solve your problem
plastic is the best option, but if you prefer, just cut some elbows into your long run, every 12metres is what it used to be i dont know about now. cut pipe, install elbow, pipe length of 30 cm, another elbow, 20 cm of pipe, elbow, 30 cm of pipe, elbow and join back to your existing pipework. called a dilation loop, dont clip it or it will be a waste of time

good luck
every 6 meters i think.
just cut pipe and put in a 300mm compresion flexi with 13mm bore every 6m is quick and easy. £2 each.

technically should be a large xover type bend in 'u' shape.
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Thanks for all the tips guys, my central heating pipes are 22mm copper pipe and they run mainly just above the skirting boards but in some instances inside cupboards where I can 'hide' the flexi hoses. I see some 22mm flexi hoses going cheap on e-bay, will check with the seller if they are suitable for use in a central heating application and if so my problem is solved. Thanks again, Dan McLean
stick some silicon grease or vasaline where pipes touch clips/fixings/skirting etc - stops it creaking.
I ordered some 22mm flexible hoses from a vendor on EBay and when I received them I discovered that the internal diameter was not 22mm but more like 10 or 12mm. If I had put these hoses in series with my central heating system it would have reduced the efficiency by a very large amount. I will just add some silicone grease, as someone suggested and make sure that the pipes have enough room to expand and contract.😱
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