You can quite legallly have only 15m/b working pressure just after meter so if pressure not there in first place,does not matter what size pipework you put in to boiler,at best all you will do is transfer the 15m/b working pressure avalible to the boiler
These boiler manufactorers who insist on 19 m/b or even above, working pressure are working on the 21m/b +/-2,they are offically using the wrong figures,this figure is the legal requirement before the meter
They have no right officially requesting or designing a boiler that can not run to its required efficenciey on 14m/b in this country any working pressure over that is a bonus and of course most of the time a bigger working pressure is avalible,so not a problem however if it is,its down to you,as officially these boilers should not be fitted,as you should be fitting boilers that can operate under legal gas supply regulations and as said many are using the wrong figures
When you install these boilers you should advise the customer of this to cover your self and not get to upset if when you fit you can not reach manufactorers working pressure targets, no matter what the pipe size
I think manufactorers should also make this clearer,however in the desire to make smaller,bigger out put boilers,these fact get pushed to the back
But would add,the above shows why you should check avalible working pressure before you go fitting large output boilers,with promises of great hot water out put and heating range ,to find that is not the case,especially when maybe most needed during peak demands,like to have seen some of ther operation pressures during last winter
This siduation is being looked at now but the official out come,who knows
Maybe it will be like broadband were some areas will be given the official notice that boilers requireing higher working pressures can be fitted and the gas supply is gauranteed to be supplied and other areas,will have to wait for up grade or manufactorers will be told tough,go back to the drawing board and we remain with the had hock siduation we find our selves in now,we can not not fit them as someone else will and most of the time they will operate ok
But in the mean time be carefull,as if you fit a boiler and customer complains about output and manufactorers says requires bigger working pressure and gas supplier says tough,we are meeting our legal requirements ,were does that leave you
Please note, no one is saying these boilers are in anyway dangerous working on lower min legal gas supply but they will not meet their expected and advertised out puts