Amptec c900 electric boiler repost now registered

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Paying with plumbing you know sfa about, especially when your not bright enough to log back into a forum that you are pulling to bits.

I wish your neighbours all the best.
put some pics up simple way to do it and have a look at s plans
Simon g, im on my phone, it's responding, it's obvious who I am, any need to log back in? Wasn't aware it had logged out, nice to see your intellectual limitations have been reached that you have to resort to name calling 🙂 as I say I'll figure it myself I can plumb one alot easier than you can wire one so you make sure you have a nice day, to anyone genuine on here and not pretentious, I apologise for my stress, to those of you who refuse to speak let alone help, without even asking questions first since all your initial replies were sarcastic a waste of time and clearly against what it says directly above where you type to reply, I wish you well, I hope your loved ones find you comforting because I doubt many others like you, now I'm getting arsey and it's a waste of time, no help nothing ventured nothing gained, thought a forum for plumbing advice might give plumbing advice, better a diyer do it with help and advised than on his own, point being I've worked with plumbers over the years, fine I'm not qualified but I am competent I was after advice only not a signed certificate on your behalf, again thanks for nothing I won't be re visiting this thread
Simon g, im on my phone, it's responding, it's obvious who I am, any need to log back in? Wasn't aware it had logged out, nice to see your intellectual limitations have been reached that you have to resort to name calling 🙂 as I say I'll figure it myself I can plumb one alot easier than you can wire one so you make sure you have a nice day, to anyone genuine on here and not pretentious, I apologise for my stress, to those of you who refuse to speak let alone help, without even asking questions first since all your initial replies were sarcastic a waste of time and clearly against what it says directly above where you type to reply, I wish you well, I hope your loved ones find you comforting because I doubt many others like you, now I'm getting arsey and it's a waste of time, no help nothing ventured nothing gained, thought a forum for plumbing advice might give plumbing advice, better a diyer do it with help and advised than on his own, point being I've worked with plumbers over the years, fine I'm not qualified but I am competent I was after advice only not a signed certificate on your behalf, again thanks for nothing I won't be re visiting this thread

when you log back in click keep me signed in if you dont it will log you out after 5 mins
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