Anyone replaced parts in this toilet before?

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If you were to replace the whole syphon though which in this case I plan to I was wondering if anyone had managed to take the cistern off before but by the sounds of it I have to pull the toilet forward. thank you for the help guys
Don`t think you`ve said what the problem actually is, taking a guess I`d say it`s dripping water into the pan yes? In which case you may not have to replace the whole valve.
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Yes sorry the syphon is letting by and also the donut washer probably needs replacing as that leaks when the toilet is flushed. So am I right in thinking the only way is to pull the toilet forward?
Yes sorry the syphon is letting by and also the donut washer probably needs replacing as that leaks when the toilet is flushed. So am I right in thinking the only way is to pull the toilet forward?

No for the first part & yes for the second I`m afraid as it looks to me like access to the cistern bolts will only be from behind & underneath.
Ok thanks for your help but what do you mean no for the first part? Lol
B4 you start pulling anything apart ! get all the replacement parts first this time of year you may need to wait a couple of weeks. Unless of course you already have them.
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