Bad smell

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I have a foul smell coming from under my floor but have no blocked drains, anyone have any idea what this could be?
maybe a dead rat/mouse 😱 ?? only way to find out is lift one floor board out.
Yeah i have tried getting under but not much space, have spoke with neighbours and smell was apparent with the previous owners. Therefore smell been there for more than 2 years. Wouls a dead rat/ mouse still be smelling after this time?
you really need to try and get under and have a look, otherwise you not going to get to the source of the problem.

did the previous owners say they had looked into it before??
they put a new bathroom in and they thought it resolved the problem(which im not sure i believe.) I am going to rip a floorboard up and have a look. Would a dead rat still be smelling after 2 years?
is the smell coming from the bathroom?? are all your traps o.k/ whats the water level in the traps like.

are you 100% sure the smell is coming from under the floor boards,if so you may have a leak somwhere on your waste pipes.
the bathroom and the kitchen are on the same side of the house which is where the waste runs, at the moment i cant gain access under the floor on that side. but the smell appears to be coming up through any gaps in the floor, when I lift any boards on that side the smell is overwhelming. I am going to have to go under and investigate which is not going to be fun!!!

sorry, all thr traps are fine, clean water in them, and when i smell the actual drains it all seems fine, just whenever I lift a floor board.
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Well no the smell from a dead rat or mouse only lasts up to a week
You could have an open or cracked drain but usually drains smell but would not say overwheling ,or you may have a rat toilet under the floor
Mice are incontinent and boo all over ,rats use one place and this could be under your floor,if so you are better getting pest control in,you do not want to be rummaging through their excrement as very dangerous 🙁
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Well no the smell from a dead rat or mouse only lasts up to a week
You could have an open or cracked drain but usually drains smell but would not say overwheling ,or you may have a rat toilet under the floor
Mice are incontinent and boo all over ,rats use one place and this could be under your floor,if so you are better getting pest control in,you do not want to be rummaging through their excrement as very dangerous 🙁
fraid rats cr*p everywhere , much like mice, they arent "clean" and favour one place to pooh. If you have rats you will have evidence of nests etc that can smell overpoweringly of urea, however if you have damp under your floors you can get dry rot that has a fairly distinctive odour of rotting wood. If its your ground floor smelling check the airvents are clear around the house and they arent blocked as this can cause woodrot if there is no fresh air moving around and hence a smell
Did all the previous owners move out of the house, any missing persons been reported in the area? just joking, lets hope its nothing more sinister! 🙂
There was that case a couple of years ago down south where the builder cut through a false wall and found a body!

But seriously, is it a "drain" smell or a rotting meat smell, or another kind of smell?

I would get a drainiage guy in to check if it is like a drain smell. Could be a bad joint or a cracked clay pipe.
oh oh, i would hate if it was rat ****. Is there any other way of detecting if its rats without getting elbow high in it while looking for the source?
You would need a LOT or rats to get that kind of smell from rat ****. I mean a real infestation and if that were the case, there would be lots of other evidence and also the fact that the amount of traffic under your floorboards would be like Piccadilly Circus and you would know about it.

Most probably a cracked drain. Get a drainage guy. On many occasions these can be lined without having to dig everything up.
Lets hope its not a body eh, house would turn into a crime scene and no doubt i'll be in the nick!!! Guy coming on friday to inspect. Will update. 😱
wee update on the smell, I went under floor myself and found waste from kitchen sink and dishwasher was disconnected. So for at least 2 years the waste has just been flowing into the space below the floor. Was not fun clearing it out on Sunday night but the smell has started dispersing already. Once its dried up a bit will spray some chemicals under. Any advice to what would be best using?
dear plumbers forum does anyone know how to get rid of the smell of jeyes fluid ?since i put it under my floor boards the house smells like a festival toilet

Leave a dead rat under the floor, smells better than Jeyes fluid😀
Hire a steam cleaner and do it properly then.

Iodophor disinfectant is quite good at getting rid of smells and doesn't smell much itself (Iodel FD). Works a treat on the dog kennels, which can get quite niffy at the best of times!
Hire a steam cleaner and do it properly then.

Iodophor disinfectant is quite good at getting rid of smells and doesn't smell much itself (Iodel FD). Works a treat on the dog kennels, which can get quite niffy at the best of times!

if its only an earth base wont that just make it muddy steam cleaning it🙄
Duh I assumed it must be a solid base. In that case I would scrape off the top couple of inches.
It is a solid concrete floor. The smell was gone this morning, but every now an then I catch a whiff. So might try that stuff once I'm sure it's dried out.
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