baxi duo tec he a 24 gets to temp on boiler then wont fire up again unless reset

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swapped actuator as i had a spare one and no difference so that why i am leaning towards to the pcb. just got a pcb for £40.00 quid off fleabay brand new so at that price i'll take a risk on it.
This is only the second I've heard of/seen this on a Duo Tec, so uncommon. I think it's more likely to be the PCB as surely it switches the demand over and moves the actuator, pump, fan, etc. I don't think the actuator actually has that much of a baring on the actions of the boiler. It follows rather than leads. I think so anyway! Ha ha!
these bloody finicky faults do my head in. but i believe in the end it will make me a better engineer
This is only the second I've heard of/seen this on a Duo Tec, so uncommon. I think it's more likely to be the PCB as surely it switches the demand over and moves the actuator, pump, fan, etc. I don't think the actuator actually has that much of a baring on the actions of the boiler. It follows rather than leads. I think so anyway! Ha ha!
those were my thoughts on the actuator. but as i had a spare i tried it anyway as you never know. alas no luck on that one

although i am going to try discharging the pcb as ermintrude . i'm not hopeful but you never know.
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