Unless the divertor is leaking it will not cause the pressure to drop!!, Im not familar with your boiler but, Its not leaking from the PRV pipe outside is it? put a balloon over the pipe for a day or 2, and check for water! When was the expansion vessel checked, could be empty,any new water marks on the carpets below rads on on the ceiling etc? could be something simple like rad valve / TRV weaping overnight when the CH is off and when the CH is on it dryes out!
Pull the rad caps off and have a look for moisture in the caps etc and failing that try a leak sealer if nothing is obvious!
Thanks for the replies, will do as suggested, i am reluctant to buy new boiler because it could simply be that there is a leak somewhere in the system. i will also try blacks suggestion of running hot water tap and seeing if pressure drops. any other ideas as to what i can do to fix this problem???