Bio mass boilers

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Well i suggested undersized and the company that installed it swears it isnt. Old bulding of a school. Cast iron rads and alot of rooms have the in ceiling heating where its just one pipe back and fourth.

The system it took over was 6 hamworthys i cant think off top of my head what kw they are but guess at 60 and that equals 360kw.

The system now is installed and has the two buffers. Then coming from the buffers theres a very smal amount of pipework and a pump with a heat ex connecting into the original boilers. If we isolate the biomass and fire up the hamworthys the heating system is perfect.

So either the boiler is undersized or theres a problem.

I wouldn't be so sure about the undersizing bit. The one I mentioned earlier was a 120kw feeding a building roughly the size of a large school. I would've swore that that was undersized. Especially as the boiler it replaced was a 500kw cast iron shell boiler.

But once I had the back end valve and temperature sorted and the buffer got up to temp..... No end of hot water for the heating! I won't fib, I was astounded!

Went through the cold snap earlier this year without missing a beat and the oiler only came on for a couple of hours here and there to top up the temp.
Your absolutely right, if the volume of the buffers has been calculated to deliver the load at peak times then you could have a smaller boiler
Im hopefully going there today or tomorrow and there is a layout diagram somwhere.

There is a heat meter on the circuit with the heat exchanger. It could well be the right size and just set up wrong.

Whats the best tempa for the buffers ?
At the top ? Ill go have another look when i can. Ive gotta hang another 6 myson convectors but im not doing it because the system wont heat the ones that are in now
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