Central Heating Exam Questions NVQ

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Hmmmm. He seems to have gone!! Scared him off? 🙂

If he returns, (I'm off out).

Tell him to look at the pic I will post......

Let him know that I make it that he actually got 11 correct...but not 12 (in my opinion any way!).

17, I'd agree with him on c, though its an annoying question.

Oh and as for 20, I would agree. A is the answer.

Good luck in your future career. Keep studying. Its a very satisfying way to make a living but as said, every day is a school day.

17 is a stupid question as it isn't worded very well and theres more than 1 possible answer imo. q11 has 2 poss answers as well, could also be a
I think with 11: They want to confuse you on purpose!

We know that the mid posistion will rest in the open posistion for H/W. However its main job is the ability to supply them both in the mid posistion. I agree, it's another cracker!
So that's all of them covered.

Let us know if we got any wrong after your tutor marks them.

I really am off now!! 🙂
mohammed786 i apologise for being hard on you but hopefully you can see why i was. you need to try and work out for your self what the correct answers are then come on here to get an idea if you are correct.
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