Sadly the terrifying saga continues, the housing association were sending out a gas engineer before Christmas, I have seen & heard nothing.
It's worse than ever before this morning, boiling water spilling over & through our ceiling
So I call yet again,get put through to their contact engineers stating the emergency to get a call half an hour later telling me our home is not on their system (ex tennant) I explain it's downstairs heating system that they are tennants & a complaint had been lodged by them also. He tells me he cannot attend!!!!
After further calls to HA they are now sending out their plumber...waiting whilst the tank boils
Am angry at the way this has not been handled.
I have a video of my boiling tank & my attic that is like a sauna filled with steam but it's too large to upload, I'll be making it very public.
It's worse than ever before this morning, boiling water spilling over & through our ceiling
So I call yet again,get put through to their contact engineers stating the emergency to get a call half an hour later telling me our home is not on their system (ex tennant) I explain it's downstairs heating system that they are tennants & a complaint had been lodged by them also. He tells me he cannot attend!!!!
After further calls to HA they are now sending out their plumber...waiting whilst the tank boils
Am angry at the way this has not been handled.
I have a video of my boiling tank & my attic that is like a sauna filled with steam but it's too large to upload, I'll be making it very public.