Cored through a few cables been through a ceiling had a couple mini floods, and never forget to check your boys drain off cocks cos the lad on my old firm forgot to tighten his in and black water everywhere
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Cored right through an incoming electric supply a couple of years ago.
Semi concealed box, coring a 1 1/2" hole through the wall in the pyshing rain and bang. Main electric cable rose in the cavity. I went straight through it. Put the full street off and blew the teeth off my core bit. Never got a shock tho until the bill from Scottish Power came in. That was another one of my lives used up, can't have many left now :lol:
I once knew a builder who went through a 6" medium pressure main with a jcb. He emigrated to south africa when he got the 35 grand bill in for that one (early 1980's).
not a hamlet moment thenSnapped a not controlled gas main in a kitchen ! Transco had to dig the road and turn off the gas to the drew. No charge to anyone as they did leave uncontroled gas main supply in the kitche 1" ....
Did you bend it over by hand and cable tie it?
I've had to do that once when I got called out to a job where a trenching machine had ripped up a water main. No isolation at the stopcock, so bent it over and then over again and cable tied it so the pressure wouldn't straighten it out again. Stopped it to a dribble. I then called the water board and got the isolation sorted.
The trenching machine was a beast. A fencing company were using it. Ripped the main in about 6 places.
I would have flooded 7 floors, thats what insurance is for.
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