free stanley tools

hi ive just had a look at my emails and there is no address, its a form you fill out and send dirct to them, just tap into google the wording i posted above and you should find it.


all this trouble for a free item😀😀😀😀
I filled everything out yesterday and they have sent me an e-mail stating that they are sending out a free tool asap.
FatMax level would be nice!
damn , ive just given their chisels a roaring review , even though i would never use stanley tools, not even if they were giving them away for nothing.😀
as mentioned earlier, here is the response i got.
dont think they realise how many members we have in this forum and all the other trade forum's. still if they see it as water of the ducks back they must be bigger than i think to ignore opinions of pro's, or are they just d.i.y sector tools for the sheds in my own opinion only?.

Thank you for your feedback; we are very sorry to hear that you and your members are feeling so unhappy.

We decided to launch the Rate It campaign because we know that professional users like your forum members value the opinions of other users and that they pass on knowledge and experience to their peers. We also value these opinions as it helps us to find out what users think of our tools and how they are being used, something that we can use to design the best possible tools that help you work even better.

We have been blown away by just how much of an appetite there is to share these views, having received an exceptional number of reviews from users in the first few weeks of the campaign meaning that we quickly exceeded our original allocation of free tools. We very clearly stated from the outset of our campaign that free tools were available whilst stocks lasted.

The last thing that we want to do is to disappoint our customers. Like everything Stanley develops, the Rate It campaign is all about helping our professional customers – both in terms of gaining knowledge, as well as getting a great deal on the tools of their trade.
We hope that your members will continue to support us in the same way that we are committed to supporting them. We would appreciate it if you could you send us the email addresses of all those who raised a concern so that we can follow up with them.

Many thanks.Stuart Ridley

Stuart Ridley
Marketing Manager
Stanley UK

stop press......
just a thought out of all our members who replied to the 'rate it' thing.... who got anything from stanley tools free of charge, and did they ever exist?.
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i had an email from the same bloke telling me as a good will gesture they would send me out a free tool😕

just have to wait and see if it actually exits like you say, will let you all know.
We have generated a support ticket to help us track your inquiry. Your ticket code is LTK4190101566620X. Please use this code in any further communication.

Thank you for your e-mail, and your product review which will help your fellow website visitors to find the best tool for their needs. <? xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com😱ffice😱ffice" />

There has been a very high response to the promotion meaning that our stocks of free items for this month have been exhausted. We try to make our limited stocks clear in all promotional literature and terms & conditions when you register your review. We are sorry to hear of your disappointment regarding our Rate-It promotion, but will keep you up to date with other competitions from <? xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com😱ffice:smarttags" /> Stanley for you to enter should you wish to do so.

Best regards,
in all honesty they really have mest up on this, exactly how many people did they think were going to have a go at getting a free tool?

ok its a free tool but its not the point is it, gas man, redsaw have had replies back saying thanks but no thanks, miqo hasnt even recieved an email yet, and as ive been told ile be getting a free tool( unlikely)

cock up or what!
i feel stanley have been mis-leading and am dissapointed you want professionals to rate your products then pull a stunt like this will tell all my mates/ associates in the trade about this false advitiseing

this is what i sent them,should have mentioned the forum
Dear Tom,

Thank you for your e-mail and product review which will help your fellow website visitors to find the best tool for their needs.

I understand your disappointment with regard to the limited stocks of free tools we have as part of the promotion. Having looked into our records, your review was placed on the last day of February, but in this instance as a gesture of goodwill I will organise for your review to qualify for a free tool.

Best regards,
i also was taken in by the promise of a free tool and duly posted a tool review. i then received an email from stanley saying that i had missed out! surprise surprise.