12 is far too much in a day especially as mentioned with bbu's but 4 a day is a little slow it doesn't take 2 hours to strip a bbu and clean the heat exchanger
Yeah right but you got someone with you that fills in all the forms? There would be your Service Sheet including customer address on every single sheet. Then there is your Landlords Certificate. Of course usually the bonding one. Oh right, NCS/AR/ID separate.
And last but not least your job sheet. By that time you have not even had touched the boiler. Back to the van then you just fill in quickly your time sheet. And drive 40 mls to the next job. But don't you worry there will be another service in the afternoon in the neighbourhood. Rearranging the jobs myself ended up being pulled in into the office. Apparently they had arranged a tight time scale with another customer and did not even think about to notify me of this.
And to top that appearing in the office in the morning lead every morning to a funny look aka "Oh well, where do we send you today"? At least half an hour later then I could leave the office with my job sheets.
The next thing was that I had been asked to do services like the BG guys just sticking the FGA in and run. You should have seen some of those "regularly" serviced appliances.
On opening up usually the first thing were millions of legs waving at you in the combustion air if it still could get in. Not to mention some of the read pressures.
One of them had run for years on the pressure as it came in from the street. On my first visit I thought my brand new Anton was broken. It shown me 51mbar inlet pressure.
You catch that with the FGA not even looking at anything but CO/CO2 ratio? Well done then. I class some of those work as simply criminal.
On the good side you have to say that BG and Co. do provide the customer with a guaranty. If anything goes wrong through lack of proper service they come and fix it at their expense. But asking the customer for a proper service fee and not providing any guaranty at all and then advising the engineers to do an FGA-"service" is something I could not live with. Not to mention the risk to their lifes and property. And who pays my bills if something goes wrong and I get my gas license withdrawn? No way I would risk that knowingly. But with my hourly rate I was getting roughly the same per service.