From BS 6891 Installation of low pressure gas pipework of up to 35 mm (R1¼) in domestic premises (2nd family gas) — Specification
8 Installation
... 8.10 Sleeves
8.10.1 Sleeves shall be of a material capable of containing gas, e.g. copper, steel, polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
PVC is Poly Vinyl Chloride
UPVC or PVC-U is Unplasticized Poly vinyl chloride.
UPVC is known as having strong resistance against chemicals, sunlight and oxidation from water.
Solvent weld waste pipe is made from ABS, which is Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene. There's nothing in the BS about ABS.
Not sure if answered your question, I guess ABS pipe would give us some issues in this case.
Well... Also my college teacher - ex BG has told me that push fit pipe is good to go for sleeving.
personally I do all mine in copper or iron. If plastic is used, and some numpty goes in after, they do not know if is pvc or abs, there is no mistaking iron or copper. Obviously gets a bit expensive in the 35 or 42 mm sizes
personally I do all mine in copper or iron. If plastic is used, and some numpty goes in after, they do not know if is pvc or abs, there is no mistaking iron or copper. Obviously gets a bit expensive in the 35 or 42 mm sizes
Yes, some waste pipe is made from MuPVC, that’s Modified Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride. MuPVC, DOH! It doesn’t mean much to me!?
Solvent weld ABS pipe is not greasy. Polyethylene pipe is greasy, same as yellow gas mains pipe or MDPE pipe. PE stands for polyethylene.
Is PP (Polypropylene) pipe any good? Doesn’t look like it.
We should stick to copper, steel, polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride.
Or is it time to send another pigeon to GasSafe!?
The sleeve for the TracPipe® should be made of a material that is itself capable of containing gas, for example, steel, copper or polyethylene. However, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sleeves should not be used with TracPipe® as it may cause corrosion of any exposed corrugated stainless steel tube.