I hate the fact that it causes so many arguments. Generally speaking we are all fairly well rounded adults, some with vast experience in the sector. It may or may not be gas safes responsibility, surely by the amount of people saying the same thing over and over this shows there is a problem. I would love for GS to read through some of these threads and to give a little feedback. Not expecting them to fix Rome in a day but I think the general consensus is that either their remit needs to change or they need to start doing the job they are tasked with properly. I'm not trying to be inflammatory but the fact that people now don't bother reporting illegals shows that the system is broken. For those people to risk illegal gas work because one time in 1000 they may possibly get a fine and a slap on the wrist is no deterrant. They know that in the large majority of cases their work will go unchecked as the public do not have the education on the matter. It still entertains me that after all this time since GS took over people still ask am I Corgi??? Surely this shows that GS don't have the presence that perhaps they should. I get really bored of being undercut by illegals because they don't have the overheads that I do and can afford to work for so much less. Likewise I hate the fact that these people are chucking in 2 sometimes 3 boilers in a day, any old way they choose and they get away with it because the customer doesn't know that what they are doing is wrong or unsafe. It does make you feel like doing the illegal route yourself as the risk to you is so low, however I think I am too decent a person to put my reputation and my customers lives at risk. I'm sure Gas Safe used to have a couple of people on here. It'd be nice to hear that they do consider our concerns as genuine and that it's not just a bunch of engineers venting. Problem is I believe only the figure head company, I believe, can make any change here. They have to lead the way and be proactive rather than the constant reactive nature which is often too late after a dodgy install has been carried out and the rogue trader has already legged it with the money never to be seen again.