Installing a boiler in the loft

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I agree with everything except the ladder, due to the fact the regs only mention a purpose made means of access, I don't think this constitutes the requirement of a ladder. The next time I come across a building inspector Il ask him, along with getting clarification on soil stacks and air emmitance valves but that's a whole new thread lol it's interesting you mention notifiable extensions though as that was the last boiler in a loft I did no call backs............. Yet ;-)
means of access means allowing you to get into the attic safetely and not hang off some rickety set of steps. Its there for your safetey at the end of the day, and you dont need to ask as people like myself have already been and rtalked to buildings control and its what they require. Would you consider a purpouse made access to your car to be ok if it was just a hole, the door is there to keep you in and safe, common sense again.
I think you are reading it wrong!

The provisions of this standard are presented in roman (i.e. upright)type. Its requirements are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary verb is "shall". Roof spaces incorporating boiler installations shall conform to the requirements listed below.

a) For an open system, vertical clearances shall be provided so that the static head requirement of is met.

b) Flooring area sufficient to allow access for normal use and servicing shall be provided under and around the boiler. The boiler support shall be capable of supporting the load of the water-filled boiler, associated pipework and equipment.

c) A purpose-designed means of access to the boiler installation shall be provided.

d) Fixed lighting for the boiler installation and the access shall be provided.

e) A guard shall be provided to prevent contact between stored articles and the boiler, its associated pipework and chimney.
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I agree with everything except the ladder, due to the fact the regs only mention a purpose made means of access, I don't think this constitutes the requirement of a ladder. The next time I come across a building inspector Il ask him, along with getting clarification on soil stacks and air emmitance valves but that's a whole new thread lol it's interesting you mention notifiable extensions though as that was the last boiler in a loft I did no call backs............. Yet ;-)
Sorry you are incorrect. BS 6798 COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON
A permanently fixed retractable roof ladder is considered to satisfy
the requirement for a purpose‑designed means of access. A safety
guard should be provided around the roof space access opening.
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