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Luckilly my Dad is still alive and kicking. He was only 22 when I was born. So with me a sprightly 33, I hope he'll be around for a while yet.

Told him he was my hero when I got married a few years ago. He blubbed bless him. He's a grafter still to this day, and knows my brother and I both look up to him.

Its a hard thing to do (tell your old man you love him) specially when they're big butch plumbers like mine. Everyone loves him though. Taught me a lot, and I'm still learning from him to this day.
could not be with out my dad even though he wont get involved in servicing or maintenance anymore the understanding is there been there,broke that, this is how you sort it,he has been a gas engineer for ever(probably when town gas was invented LOL) and is always there for me,sadly his life is very hard at the moment due to my mum having a bad stroke but thats what family's are for every one mucks in
Sorry to hear about your Mum GasMan.

Looks like we've hijacked this thread to heap praise of our Dads.

Well I'm off for the night, ta ta for now all.
My last mistake was 2 years ago, pretty much when I first went self employed. Was more funny than anything looking back.

Was doing my 2nd bathroom installation for this very posh couple. Removing all the old pipework. Remembered that from my lessons in my training course that hot pipes are above cold. Stopcock was switched off and cold system drained down. Cut the bottom pipe and water starts spraying out. Had the usual nice experience when you put your finger over it so hard it cuts a nice 15mm ring in your finger. Then I thought, hmm, this is funny, this water is burning my hand. Then I realised I had cut the hot pipe and things aren't always work as they should!

Then it got better, the customer popped in to see how things were going. I did the best bit of acting I've ever done in my life whilst trying not to cry with the pain of 60 degree hot water on a cut finger. Luckily I had a service valve within arms reach or it would have been a big big mistake!
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when ever im removing and stripping out pipework i always have a couple of speed fit caps nearby or in my pocket, they can get you out of a problem
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