I had to completely drain an unvented cylinder a few months ago to replace a leaking combination valve. (Idiot installer had fitted the valve low down and at rear of unit, so had to drain cylinder)
It was a 2 floor house, with cylinder on the upper floor. To drain it all I had to do was open the bath cold tap on lower floor because the balanced cold on this unit is teed after the combination valve.
I diconnected the hot pipe outlet at top of cylinder to prevent implosion and there wasn't a sound as it drained, but I showed customer the suction by putting my hand over the connection and letting go. It's like a powerful vacumn cleaner.
I am not taking risks with what is basically a bean tin. :smile:
It was a 2 floor house, with cylinder on the upper floor. To drain it all I had to do was open the bath cold tap on lower floor because the balanced cold on this unit is teed after the combination valve.
I diconnected the hot pipe outlet at top of cylinder to prevent implosion and there wasn't a sound as it drained, but I showed customer the suction by putting my hand over the connection and letting go. It's like a powerful vacumn cleaner.
I am not taking risks with what is basically a bean tin. :smile:
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