working on combine harvesters in usa in 82, had to clean the sieves off in the back of the combine due to a sudden influx of Skunk (if you didnt the smell stayed longer than 5 days!!). the sieves seemed jammed, so both hands on and large heave, only to find they were now on greased rails!!, so no time to remove the old thumbs before sieve in front slid into sieve behind and interlocked in a perfect fit, inc thumbs. Later that night, off to wild west A&E , pay up front to have thumbs drained. Told nurse that I hate needles, informed not to be a wuss, doctor heated needle and inserted into nail one, off I went, head down into worktop. Out with wallet again to pay for stiches over the eye now. Only good thing, got to rest head in her cleavage as they sewed me up and did other thumb, pig was that I was due to see her in the morning for breakfast 🙂)) and the boss had us move onto to the next town first thing. 🙁 missed out on a promise there. Overall it wasnt a good 24 hours.