Did he test from your stop tap / there supply
Kitchen tap could have flow restrictors installed
All depends on what pipe you have coming in
Best option is either a 25mm or 32mm alk that will give you the best flow rates off there figures
If your going for a Combi Boiler tbh no point upgrading as the max you will require is around 14lpm so 15mm supply close by
Depends on pipe size and bends etc pulled bends / benders restrict less than an elbow eg soldered if you can’t get around use swept bends
Yes you could get the new main installed and then make the decision based on real world figures etc
No as you can always reduce the flow and pressure can’t always increase it easily also depends on what there supply is (water board to the meter / stop tap) as if it’s 20mm not worth upgrading to a 32mm etc
Kitchen tap could have flow restrictors installed
All depends on what pipe you have coming in
Best option is either a 25mm or 32mm alk that will give you the best flow rates off there figures
If your going for a Combi Boiler tbh no point upgrading as the max you will require is around 14lpm so 15mm supply close by
Depends on pipe size and bends etc pulled bends / benders restrict less than an elbow eg soldered if you can’t get around use swept bends
Yes you could get the new main installed and then make the decision based on real world figures etc
No as you can always reduce the flow and pressure can’t always increase it easily also depends on what there supply is (water board to the meter / stop tap) as if it’s 20mm not worth upgrading to a 32mm etc