Of course there are many ways to unblock the loo but the issue is, I shouldn't have to do this every flamin' time someone does a number 2.
My missus seems to be blaming me for all this though of course its always me with the rubber gloves, plunger, drain wire, washing up liquid, hot water, bleach etc. I am blumin sick of it. So I guess removing toilet and starting again with the waste pipe work is the only solution.
Yes there are many ways to unblock a toilet, but Rob was suggesting this method because it isn't just poking at the blockage, you get a good blast using a mop (I tie a carrier bag round the mop head to help the seal).
When you're poking it with a wire you're probably making a small hole, the springiness of the wire will mean it will only hit a small part of the pipe after a bend no matter what you do with it.
Pouring water and or chemicals down is only using gravity to try and clear it.
Try the mop trick, it has got a lot of plumbers out of the poo a lot of times.