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no work for some cos we give it away for free on www.ukplumbersforum.co.uk

No edit on this thread?

I should add, I repair plenty of thermal stores, but the Gulfstreams...I have been beaten by one. No idea what was up with it. Last one was a simple fault, PRV had gone, and it wouldn't re-charge the system.
What I find weird is that the member who posted a very detailed reply and helped possibly diagnose the problem is also on here every day saying how dire it is out there at the moment and that the industry is dead.

I've no issues with them at all by the way and if people want to give info out then so be it, but personally boiler repairs should be left to a professional. You've got water, electrics and gas all in a very confined space, not a great mix, so the risks are potentially quite high, plus the fact that most boiler cases now act as a seal to the combustion chamber.

Most of the areas of plumbing which do pose a risk are governed, as is fitting an electric shower as it is all notifiable under building control, the problem is it is not enforced, but then that would cost money....
I agree. I fitting an electric shower is dangerous if done by a novice. As such, it is regulated, but by toothless bodies.

Lets face it, GSR is fairly toothless too. I could fit boilers, and unless there was a problem, get away with it, year in, year out. If I installed them badly I might get a fine. If I kill someone then I get sent to the nick, but for what? 3 years or so.

If you break the law to make money, you know what your doing. Stiffer punishments should be handed out.
So apparently i am about 12 times more likely to die of a gas related incident than i am of being struck by lightning or 90 times more likely to die in a car crash than be gassed but then again i am 3900 times more likely to get the cancer:smile:
One thing is for sure, i'm gonna die of something :lol:
Stats!! Hate em.

Well it depends Tamz, if you like walking in the highlands during the rain, I think we can up the odds on a lightening strike.

The ol reaper does get to us all in the end. Sad but true. Hope by then I'm having bed baths from a 20 year old nurse and don't have a tooth in my head!
PS - drinking Scotlands best export tonight. My favourite. Whisky. Could explain why I'm jibbering a bit.

Off to bed now. Peace and love to plumbers, gas fitters, and the humble Mr. DIY. We're all human. Well almost all of us......
The ol reaper does get to us all in the end. Sad but true. Hope by then I'm having bed baths from a 20 year old nurse and don't have a tooth in my head!

Won't be a nurse mate, probably a Philipino care assistant and if it was a fit young lady doing the job you'd probably not realise it cos you'd be off with the fairies in la la land.
catch 22 - you want the forum to be a friendly and welcoming place but then we don't wanna help people....

Im the first to help if i think its something a customer can do - e.g. vent rads, frozen condenses, a ball valve...

but anything central heating gas etc should be left to us lot (and some of us struggle with it haha)
catch 22 - you want the forum to be a friendly and welcoming place but then we don't wanna help people....

Im the first to help if i think its something a customer can do - e.g. vent rads, frozen condenses, a ball valve...

but anything central heating gas etc should be left to us lot (and some of us struggle with it haha)
I've helped people but when someone comes on here obviously just trying to save a few bob rather than getting a plumber in to do it, then why should we help yet another job being lost to a plumber in these trying times? Advice given plumber to plumber is different as we all learn from each other.

Why should heating and gas etc. be any different? Giving free advice on rads, ball valves etc is doing some guy out of work.

The gas guys are protective of their trade as it's the last thing that Joe Public is not allowed to legally touch. That is changing as green energies are becoming more efficient and gas combi boilers etc will be phased out in the not too distant future.
Me personally I am not too sure about the green energies I dont think they are as good as everybody makes out (Give it ten years then maybe)

I find most the people who come on here not in the trade will not go elsewhere otherwise why will they be here. On a gas note I feel that people should not touch it unless they know what could go wrong and half of joe public don't know that so my summer resolution is to not answer those questions as you cannot tell who is GSR or not.

On the plumbing side I think people think if they are on here is it not better to have good advise than bad advise.
You only have to look at the Scottish landscape now, full of big wind turbines and a promise made by the Scottish Government to be using fully renewable energies by 2020. In about 8-10 years, energy systems in newly built homes will be vastly different from that which exists today.
You've got the space for it in Scotland! Lots of fields, rivers, mountains and open space. Down here we've hardly got room for a tesco local let alone a wind turbines!
But wind power also extends to the ocean as does wave power and down your neck of the woods (up here too!) being an island we're surrounded by the sea.
It will be interesting to see the result of someone attempting to repair any gas, solid fuel or plumbing system getting it badly wrong and using the posts on an unregulated forum as his defence.

Even more interesting when the Judge finds the site owners and poster liable for supplying the information that assisted in the commission of the crime.

The only thing missing from that thread is the O.P. coming back asking for a photo of the defective part or equally stupid asking how to get the casing off the boiler.

Way back when men were men nobody outside the immediate family could get an apprenticeship to a journeyman (old name for qualified tradesman), the reason why is easy to see, idiots who have no pride in the knowledge they have gained just give it away causing work shortages for other tradesmen.

The words, Pride, respect for your trade and plain old good business sense come to mind.

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