in my veiw, the tradesman has been invited back to remedy the problem. it is the decission of this person of what method is used in rectifying the fault. if he decides that the floor is to come up, then so be it. what and how he handles the situation after doing so is up to him, it may be, i need x amount of cash for materials, or i need paying for the removal of the floor before i can put it back etc.
the ball will be now in his court.
the law will protect the custard from unauthorised removal or deconstruction of works without their consent only, not when invited back for rectifications. and theres nothing telling us how long we take to rectify is there?.
e.g. (1)
a builder builds a porch, customer wont pay up. builder returns next day knocks it down = £5,000 fine 2 years suspended for criminal dammage.
e.g. (2) he builds the porch, customer wont pay, claims later (some months) there is cracks in brick work. turn up on aggreed day tell them some bricks need removing, knock it down clear up and b*gger of.
law cant do nothing, reply from tradesman ' i had to make it safe, but dont worry i didnt charge them a penny'.
easy option for getting paid..... sell your debt and paper work to debt collection agency for approx £40. let them do it for you.
have your oppinion but keep it polite = constructive.
think i was reading the wrong page of replies, doh.