Hi Mikey88
You will not be able to complete the 6189 unless you are working in the trade !! as it is an NVQ. As far as how long the on site assessments take, well, that depends on lots of factors like what type of work you are doing as different things have to be seen (you can't just be fitting bathrooms for instants). Where your on-site assessor can get out & see you doing the required work. How quick you are at completing the required paperwork evident's, to name but a few. The real answer is that you would be expected to complete the NVQ within the course time table i.e if at college for two years for the level 2 then it will need to be completed before the September of year 2 to allow you to go onto to do level 3. I think officially you have up to 2 years after competing the college work side to complete the on the job assessments but your training agent may not allow / like this as they loss some of the funding.
Good luck
Get a job first if you can, when you reach 18 years the funding is cut from the government & you will have to start paying towards your training costs. !!!!!!