pressure is highest at the meter so 22mm connections is fine, obviously the further away you get reistance will reduce the pressure. so 28mm going on 22mm at meter is fine.
We recommend uHeat for Underfloor Heating Systems, and The Wetroom Store for all things bathrooms and wetrooms. They provide discounts for forum members.
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Been a while since I done sizing and I may be a bit rusty, but the average 24KW boiler I see on a daily basis consumes 2.5-2.6m³/hr of gas. So how can you run 30m of 22mm pipe plus elbows and supply the gas required at max rate to the boiler.you can run a 24kw boiler on a 30m equivelent pipe run (actual pipe length + 0.5m per bend)
Bear with me here. Had a few tonight. Worc. 24i Junior. (quite an average boiler I think) requires 2.6m³/hr of gas at max rate. 30M of 22mm pipe will only supply 2.3m³/hr of gas. Even without bends that reduces the rate further this does not go!!!24kw gross input = 2.21cu/m gas total 30metres == 1mb drop over the length
??? Scottish special ??? lol
No offence Kirk :wink:
Been a while since I done sizing and I may be a bit rusty, but the average 24KW boiler I see on a daily basis consumes 2.5-2.6m³/hr of gas. So how can you run 30m of 22mm pipe plus elbows and supply the gas required at max rate to the boiler.
We recommend City Plumbing Supplies, BES, and Plumbing Superstore for all plumbing supplies.