Your total heating load is ~ just above the minimum output of the boiler so you will get continuous cycling when running on the 4 rads downstairs, you really can't do anything about this.
I would increase the boiler temp to 70C and note the cycling on/off times, this is with main vert rad valves full open, the other vert rad as is and remaining rads as is, if the boiler on time averages 3 mins then you will be doing well IMO.
Also see can you can range rate the boiler from the user menu, this means that you can reduce the boiler maximum (but not the minimum) output from its present 30 kw to say 10 kw or the next lowest setting, this won't affect the hot water output but should cause reduced cycling and more consistent radiator temperatures, if this option is not available then it should be possible to get it carried out at the next service. You can ask WB if this range rating is available on this model.