Good morning all, Its been a while since I posted but another B of a problem has reared its head. I'm now 4 weeks into problem solving a lock out issue on the cooker burner only. The boiler side works fine. I have currently replaced all the service parts twice!! once by switching with boiler side and then new item. Cooker fires up ok and will burn to whatever temp set on thermostat (I have even replaced O'heat stat and Thermostat, why I'm not sure probably desperation) when at temp if the selected temp is over halfway the next cycle will lock out every time until oven temp reduced to lower values then burner will light. First question: is the firing sequence air purge with oil pressure building followed by ignition spark then if pec detects light oil supply on? the reason I ask is that it would then be probable that ignition spark is not happening, or pec not detecting spark. Second question , Anyone got any ideas?