Old Account
You must be very lucky though. I remember not long ago, I went out for a boiler breakdown. Before I entered the property I asked politely if he would like me to diagnose and perhaps solve the problem, he gave me the go ahead. I worked for an hour and half and found out that one of the pcb’s were faulty and needed replacing. I have given him 2 options either replacing a couple of parts due to some leaks and or go and change the 17year old boiler. He was like ok thank you for coming out. I obviously asked for my payment due to me working on the boiler. He went like, what you want me to pay for, you haven’t fixed the boiler and it’s still not working. And I tried explaining in order to fix the boiler I would need a part which can be bought the very next day. However, he always went back to his old lines and said, it was working 2 days ago and there was nothing wrong with it and you can see there is power to the boiler. Long story short he just didn’t understand the fact that the boiler was broken and doesn’t work until he would change some parts. In the end I drove 14miles for free and never got paid and that happened a couple of times. I haven’t found out yet how to deal with people or situations like this but I will get there eventually. That also causes frustration which may lead to bad mood which you will bring home and therefore having some bad atmosphere at home that’s all because of a **** who didn’t pay me or you.I always find that if you set the rules from the beginning and stand your ground this relarely happens. Either that or I’m very lucky.