Its certainly unconventional but I'd venture that there are systems with pumps installed like this and working OK, as pointed out above, two different head pumps in "series" may cause one to fight the other, they are really not in series in accepted pump jargon where both pumps are installed one immediately behind the other, but generally one would then install one pump with the required head.
In your case, the boiler circ pump pumps from the return, through the boiler Hx and then supplies the 8M pump.
I would suggest trying to establish what the flow rate is from other data to hand, the boiler flow and return temps and the boiler output, is all you need but these three values arn't often available from the boiler display but the flow/return temps can be measured on the pipes which will give some info at any rate, the boiler output is more difficult but if both zones are open then maybe can get a good idea. If that 8m pump displays its power in watts? (W) then flow rate can be derived exactly, from the pump curves.