I have been to look at an ALbion 200l Unvented (THE STAINLESS UNVENTED) cylinder today as it was discharging.
The water is cold so therefore i first looked at the inlet side of things - there is a pressure gauge just before the inlet goes in to the cylinder above the DOC and it reads 7bar!!! so i checked the mains pressure on an outside tap which read just over 3 bar. Therefore would it be logical that the gauge is reading high and is faulty but still indicating that there is problem with the reducing valve? the expansion vessel is an 18l white coloured ZILMET which is fitted directly to the top of the cylinder so would a failure of this cause warm water to discharge with it being sited on the warmer side of the system?
secondly the sealed heating side has a red ZILMET 18l vessel which is not holding pressure - have presses the schrader valve and water comes straight out so i guess the membrane has gone here. it is sited with the valve pointed down (upsdie down). there is no evidence of a leak in the heating system causing the pressure loss.
Just sounding off here chaps so your thoughts would be appreciated.
I have been to look at an ALbion 200l Unvented (THE STAINLESS UNVENTED) cylinder today as it was discharging.
The water is cold so therefore i first looked at the inlet side of things - there is a pressure gauge just before the inlet goes in to the cylinder above the DOC and it reads 7bar!!! so i checked the mains pressure on an outside tap which read just over 3 bar. Therefore would it be logical that the gauge is reading high and is faulty but still indicating that there is problem with the reducing valve? the expansion vessel is an 18l white coloured ZILMET which is fitted directly to the top of the cylinder so would a failure of this cause warm water to discharge with it being sited on the warmer side of the system?
secondly the sealed heating side has a red ZILMET 18l vessel which is not holding pressure - have presses the schrader valve and water comes straight out so i guess the membrane has gone here. it is sited with the valve pointed down (upsdie down). there is no evidence of a leak in the heating system causing the pressure loss.
Just sounding off here chaps so your thoughts would be appreciated.