I am looking to purchase a home in Colorado. It has a septic system with a lift system installed in the basement. We had the sewer line scoped and found interesting things. I am trying to determine if the force main line was installed properly (or not).
During the inspection, a scope was run from the cleanout port towards the house. The slope was positive for about 14', then started transitioning to a negative slope (i.e., uphill from the house). Near 20' in, standing water was found and continued until the scope reached a stopping point. The scope was run approximately 94' before hitting an obstruction, which was likely the force main line. Unfortunately, you couldn't really see anything because there was water in the line, so we have to assume it was the force main.
So, the question arises - shouldn't the force main line have been run until it reached the negative slope in the sewer line(i.e., downhill to the septic system)? And wouldn't it have been better to run it all the way into the septic tank (approx. 150' from the house)?
During the inspection, a scope was run from the cleanout port towards the house. The slope was positive for about 14', then started transitioning to a negative slope (i.e., uphill from the house). Near 20' in, standing water was found and continued until the scope reached a stopping point. The scope was run approximately 94' before hitting an obstruction, which was likely the force main line. Unfortunately, you couldn't really see anything because there was water in the line, so we have to assume it was the force main.
So, the question arises - shouldn't the force main line have been run until it reached the negative slope in the sewer line(i.e., downhill to the septic system)? And wouldn't it have been better to run it all the way into the septic tank (approx. 150' from the house)?