TFG plumbing - Thomas
We recommend uHeat for Underfloor Heating Systems, and The Wetroom Store for all things bathrooms and wetrooms. They provide discounts for forum members.
Welcome to the forum. Although you can post in any forum, the USA forum is here in case of local regs or laws
500 = Adam.
BIG Thanks to Dave for letting me in here and the GSR forum but he hasn't replied about my name change to ManchesterGas 🙁
Cos he's a cheslea fan and he's seen the word Manchester
Give me chance FFS.. busy man you know 🙂
How very DARE! you......
TOON through and through.. 🙂
I actually typed that first but thought so many would read it an not realise who they were
We recommend City Plumbing Supplies, BES, and Plumbing Superstore for all plumbing supplies.