Okay so we've taken a video of us writing the names, ripping them up into bits, sticking them in a hat, then drawing a name.
The video appears too big. So we've saved them (for all forums) and will work on what the issue is there this week. We'll get them uploaded ASAP.
@Harvest Fields has won first day.
Well done mate. 😀
Bring on tomorrows advent comp, and please share this comp around on other social media sites etc.
Thanks to all for entering. Look out for the thread tomorrow. 😀
The video appears too big. So we've saved them (for all forums) and will work on what the issue is there this week. We'll get them uploaded ASAP.
@Harvest Fields has won first day.
Well done mate. 😀
Bring on tomorrows advent comp, and please share this comp around on other social media sites etc.
Thanks to all for entering. Look out for the thread tomorrow. 😀