Haven’t had a chance to try your ideas out yet, on my list.
I Compared February 2020 average temperature, 7.44oC with February 2021, 7.75oC
Gas use in Feb 2020 was 71.16 units and Feb 2021 71.0 Units
On the face of it, doesn’t seem a lot of point running my boiler at 62-64oC instead of 75oC. Was considering upgrading two lounge radiators to double fin to increase heat output on each by 30%, but with almost zero efficiency gain, seems it may not be a viable idea. Will try Johns suggestions. Wish these condensing boilers had built in efficiency calculators, would just need a condensate flow meter to achieve this I think🤔. Or even a light to say in condensing mode.....be a selling point maybe 🤔 assuming of course customers understand what it means.
will also look at the pump you tube video(s) but the post only contained an image not links, but will look for them thanks.
looking at this chart, my boiler is around 87% efficient if I increases the size of my two lounge rads to double fin, I am not sure if I will achieve even a 45oC return temperatur, even then the efficiency will be 90% which is only 3% more than I have now. To get the best from a condensing boiler IMO, it needs to be installed the same time as the rads etc. To size everything to get the most out of the condensing boiler. Not so easy, as things stand now.
the graph shows 3 flow rates, so if I read it correctly, using the lower flow rate ( in Red ) would achieve a better efficiency 🤔
graph obtained from here
The operating principle of condensing boilers is based on exploiting heat from flue gases to pre-heat cold water at the inlet of the boiler: by conden…
most in depth explanation / discussion on condensing boilers I have ever seen