Why does everyone seem to keep harping on about 'LEVEL 2', this is only a 'base' qualification! All 'Plumbers should endevour to complete 'LEVEL 3' or 'Advanced Craft' as in my old one. Why don't so called 'trainees' do the LEVEL 3? Too hard? Don't want anymore studying? Want to do something a bit quicker and 'easier'? All prof bodies state Level 3 should what all 'PLUMBERS' achieve and I agree, but, as far as I'm concerned you MUST be on the tools whilst doing them to call yourself a PLUMBER. Sorry to sound like a 'gumpy' but I really can't see how you can without both!!!!!!! Wouldn't call yourself a 'car mechanic' if you'd never worked in a garage with other experienced mechanics for a decent period of time, would you? Oh yes Mr Bloggs, were going to service your nice expensive car with a bloke who's done a few weeks training!!!! Yeah alright!!!